The Outfit/Equipment of Sengoku Warriors – From Eccentric Helmets to Menuki by [Gotō] Yūjō – 戦国武将のよそおい ー異形兜から祐乗目貫までー



戦国武将のよそおい ー異形兜から祐乗目貫までー
Sengoku Bushō no Yosooi – Igyō Kabuto Kara Yūjō Menuki Made
“The Outfit/Equipment of Sengoku Warriors – From Eccentric Helmets to Menuki by [Gotō] Yūjō” by the Sano Museum. 2006.  Softbound, 8 ¾ x 11 ¾”, 119 pages in Japanese and each item has a description also in English.
This book presents, mostly in crisp color photographs, wonderful possessions of well known 16th century Daimyo (feudal lords).  Treasures of Higashiyama, Yoshimasa Ashikaga, Gotō Yūjō (後藤祐乗) 1st gen., Toshitsune Maeda and much more to also include, Goto family sword fittings collection of Gotō Sōjō (後藤宗乗), 2nd gen. and Gotō Jōshin (後藤乗真), 3rd gen. Also fine armor, and kabuto (predominately kawari kabuto, spectacular helmets) and with a few great swords added form the bulk of the book.An article in this book interviews with Kengo Sekido about Goto Yujo, an English translation can be found in the 2nd catalog of the Kokusai Tosogu Kai.  The book is brand new condition.  1 pound, 9 ounces. Price listed plus shipping.
Another suggested reference that includes vast amounts of information on the Goto School amongst others is – The Japanese tōsō-kinkō Schools by Markus Sesko. Available in hard bound or PDF – Buy it here along with his others.


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